The CD of Ériu is now available for PRE-Order (delivery mid July)

I can’t tell you how grateful I am for all of the positive feedback, and the beautiful, generous words of encouragement that you have shared with me about my new album Ériu with the RTÉ Concert Orchestra
While it has been available for streaming and download for the last couple of weeks, so many of you have asked about a physical CD. Well! I’m delighted to let you know that it is now in production, and can be pre-ordered on my website.
As we gently dip our toes into moving forward & living with Covid, thankfully lots of people are able to go back to work, albeit with safety measures in place. Please stay safe and also think of your neighbour. The virus is very much still around us, but we will find a way to adapt and move forward, I am sure it x

I’m delighted to release a new video for HIBERNIA on Youtube this evening!

Taking Ireland’s oldest poem as inspiration; The Song of Amergin, Hibernia is a contemporary & rhythmically exciting ‘ode to Ireland’ of epic proportions
The lyrics, in 3 languages; Old Irish, Latin and English are drawn from the ancient Irish text of the Invocation of Amergin, an English translation of The Song of Amergin, and a collection of the historical Latin names for the Island of Ireland. 
The song is a collaboration with composer Sarah Class, who is better known for her work on BBC wildlife soundtracks. Quinn and Class were introduced by the late Sir George Martin, as both were published by his publishing company George Martin Music.

Eimear and Sarah were inspired by the phenomenon of human resilience and dignity especially in the face of the countless invasions, pilages, injustices that Ireland and her people have endured historically. The song speaks to the intrinsic human spirit present in us all; a core strength exclusively owned by the individual that can never be taken or broken. 

Hibernia invokes the ancient images of the poem, but also the historical latin names for Ireland. 
I’ve wanted to create this song with Sarah for a long time. We were first introduced to each other by the late Sir George Martin as he thought that we would make a good team. We hit it off right away, initially composing a song called ‘Another Day’ on our very first meeting. Sarah has written extensively for wildlife documentary films, and it was her sweeping compositions for BBC Africa that inspired the music for Hibernia. We set out to weave an anthem of enduring strength, rich heritage and majestic resilience. The result is even more epic than I could have imagined!



Today, after 3 years in the making, I finally release #Ériu, an orchestral album of music all Irish in origin. ⁣

It’s exciting and cathartic to finally send it into the world and to share it with you. The response so far has really blown me away. I want to sincerely thank all the legends that helped me make my dreams come true. ⁣

?The RTÉ Concert Orchestra of course, led by Mia Cooper for bringing the music to life. It’s very much alive! ⁣
?The enduring friendship, support and encouragement of Brendan Graham, our partnership is a cornerstone of this work. ⁣
?The other-worldly playing of Fiddler John Sheahan on the song that we wrote together; Jasmine Flower. ⁣
?The sheer epic power of Sarah Class ‘s musical might in the piece we wrote called Hibernia. And all the endless chats and friendship, backing vocals, piano playing, choral arrangements….. what would I do without you!?⁣
?The generosity of Composer Patrick Cassidy in allowing Gerald Peregrine and I to reimagine Vide Cor Meum as a duet for voice and cello with new English Lyrics by Brendan Graham, it now exists as Love Endless. ⁣
?The magic and mischief of the beautiful musical soul that is Neil Martin in his playing on Silent O Moyle and his arrangement on Crúcan na bPaiste, and to Máirtín O Connor for his sublime playing on that song. ⁣
?The mighty trumpet solos from William John Morse Palmer on An Raibh Tú at an gCarraig and In Paradisum.⁣
?The unique guitar playing of my dear pal Robbie Overson. ⁣
?Conductor Joe Csibi, arranger Gavin Murphy, engineer Damian Chennels
?My wonderful recording engineer Dave Mc Cune at Ventry studios and Ciaran Byrne mixing engineer, I am indebted to you both for your patience and friendship while I produced this album over the constraints of times & distance. ⁣
?And Simon Gibson at Abbey Road Studios for sprinkling his expert sparkle over the masters. And Jonas Wedtling for postproduction on Hibernia. ⁣
?To Nigel Elderton, Anne Miller, Luc Floreani and all the team Peermusic UK for your enthusiasm and excitement for the music ⁣
?The champions of Irish artists RTÉ especially RTE Lyric FM Marty Whelan – I’m looking at you! ⁣
?The indefatigable support, positivity and love from my family and friends, without which I couldn’t have pulled it off. ⁣

I think you get the gist. ⁣

I’m grateful. My heart is full of gratitude. ⁣

?My cup runneth over ?⁣


New album to be released on 29 May 2020



Eimear Quinn


With the RTE Concert Orchestra

“Fans may have waited 13 years for a new record, but every moment will be worth the wait when they hear this crisp, heart-warming beauty. “The crisp, clean note that opens the album on the supreme Love Endless shows that this is an album that will blow you away time and again” The Yorkshire Times

Eimear Quinn makes a long-anticipated return to recording with an epic collection  of original Irish music recorded with the RTE Concert Orchestra.

Eimear has been performing with the RTE Concert Orchestra since she first came to prominence after her Eurovision win in 1996, and it has been a long standing dream of hers to record a full album of these favourite pieces and newly composed works.

The esteemed Irish singer and Eurovision winner (The Voice 1996) has crafted a collection of orchestral songs, all Irish in origin, to include a brand new setting of Patrick Cassidy’s Vide Cor Meum. Retitled Love Endless with a lyric in English by the renowned lyricist Brendan Graham (You Raise me Up) the much loved aria is reimagined as a duet for voice and cello (Gerald Peregrine)

Quinn also collaborated with Graham to write The Watchman an anthem for hope and solidarity for our times.

More original compositions include Jasmine Flower with the legendary fiddle player John Sheahan (The Dubliners) a song of yearning for home.

Other compositions include a song co-written with award-winning British composer Sarah Class, a rhythmic and powerful ode to Ireland called Hibernia inspired by the ancient Irish poem The Song of Amergin.

Eimear’s work with Belfast composer & musician Neil Martin also features with a striking setting of Silent O Moyle for voice and cello (as featured in the Royal Albert Hall during President Higgin’s state visit to Britain). Martin also orchestrates Crucán na bPáiste to include the stunning accordion playing of Máirtín O’Connor.

Other Irish language music includes an orchestral setting by Eimear of An Raibh tu ar an gCarraig.

Eimear’s collaboration with Brendan Graham continues with Butterfly and the collection reaches a cadence with the first fully orchestrated recorded of The Voice

Quinn’s soaring and emotive vocal style combines her classical training with her love of spiritual and Irish folk music, resulting in many invitations to sing Irish music in a classical setting for illustrious national occasions. 

These include the visit of HRH Elizabeth II to Ireland, the visit of Pope Francis to Dublin, at the Royal Albert Hall during President Higgin’s state visit to Britain, and for HRH Prince Charles for St Patrick’s day celebrations in London.

Her unique sound has been the subject on an RTE documentary film The Living Bridge

“This collection of songs comes from my heart, with immense joy and gratitude, tracing the musical landscape that I have had the great fortune to gradually inhabit over my career so far. Crossing happily between folk and classical settings, I have found that both genres have organically combined in this space where I find myself the most genuine; singing Irish music in an orchestral setting.” – Eimear Quinn

Track Listing

1. Love Endless (Cassidy/Graham)

2. Jasmine Flower (Quinn/Sheahan) 

3. The Watchman (Quinn/Graham)

4. In Paradisum (Quinn) 

5.Crucán na bPáiste(Graham)

6. Hibernia (Class/Quinn)

7. An Raibh tú ar an gCarraig (Arr. Quinn)

8. Butterfly (Quinn/Graham)

9. Silent O Moyle (Arr. Martin/ Quinn)

10. The Voice (Graham)

Listen here :




I hope that you’re all hanging in there, it can be really hard to stay positive. 

One thing that is certain is that music is keeping a lot of us sane. I want to contribute this new song into the mix at this time, from my forthcoming album with the RTE Concert Orchestra (ÉRIU – out May 29th)

It’s about strength and resilience in the face of a huge and unexpected challenge, and how, despite the terrifying force of nature, we can trust that there is a benevolence at work.We can trust that it will be okay.

It’s called THE WATCHMAN, with powerful words of hope and solidarity by BRENDAN GRAHAM (writer of YOU RAISE ME UP)

I found it very moving to compose the music to accompany these words. ⁣

The power and beauty of our RTE CO brings a depth to the song’s message “no more shall I be afraid”. ⁣

It is my sincere wish that this music can help to reassure you, and to ease your fears.

There’s a new video beautifully edited by Bronwyn Harvey to bring it to you in images.

Following the announcement of the cancellation of Eurovision 2020, I would like to say how terribly I feel for all those involved, and i hope that there can be a silver lining once we are through these surreal times.

Eurovison is an extraordinary event, and one the has been a huge blessing in my life.

But why, when I have an album of New Music, wold I kick off with a song that I’ve been singing for more than two decades? ⁣⁣

⁣⁣Because this song has been my gift. ⁣⁣

⁣⁣It has taken me to places that I could hardly have dreamed of, and singing it with the RTE Concert Orchestra is an utterly thrilling and uplifting experience. A feeling that I have been enjoying for more than two decades, and continue to enjoy to this day! ⁣⁣

⁣⁣So I want to share that feeling with you. It’s is the first ever fully orchestral recording of this iconic song, and I love it! ⁣⁣

⁣⁣Yes, I have lots of new, lush and epic orchestral music on the way….. but let me remind you about this one first.⁣⁣

⁣⁣Think of it as a ‘Hello, remember me…. I’ve been wanting to do this for a while’ ⁣.

The thing is, after a long and winding road to parenthood, I decided to divide the precious hours in the day between my much longed-for children and LIVE performance.  Recording got kicked to the curb for a while.

The past decade has not only been full of personal landmark performances (for HRH Queen Elizabeth 2, Pope Francis‘ visit to Ireland, President Michael D Higgins inaugural state visit to Britain in the Royal Albert Hall, HRH Prince Charles) but also a steady building up of loyal audiences, and annual return-bookings in national venues. 

A loyal audience must be deeply respected. The two things that they mostly want from me are 1. New Music, and 2. not to leave the building without performing ‘The Voice’

Hopefully I’ve answered my own initial question; why this song?

It’s a killer song. AND I love it. AND so does my loyal audience. 

Here it is –  in it’s newest and most powerful form. I hope you’ll love it too.

THE VOICE 2020 (with the RTE Concert Orchestra) Single out March 20th⁣⁣


There are very few things that I enjoy more than the process of seed-to-flower…. ⁣

You know- the process when the tiniest blink of a creative idea takes root in your mind and insists on being nurtured until it takes a real tangible form? ⁣

Then it begins to take on a life of it’s own… but only with constant care and attention. ⁣

It can grow from the germ of a song shared with a friend, into a full melody and lyric, into a massive orchestration, into an epic recording, and finally, before being released into the world, it can take on new form – this time visual. ⁣

My dearest friend (and award winning composer) Sarah Class and I wrote a song together called ‘Hibernia’. It’s about my roots and heritage and it’s thoroughly epic. ⁣

So now we’re creating pictures… And then we can share it with you. ⁣

We went on a location scout to find the right spot. I’m standing on a cliff, feeling the power of the Atlantic. ⁣

We’ll shoot it in about 8 weeks when there’s plenty of day light.
I’m so excited to start creating the narrative while I wait for the days to get longer.⁣

I’m really fascinated by how people nurture and love their creative ideas to keep the alive….

This spring, I will release my first full length album since becoming a mother more than 10 years ago.

In my quest for balance (and my utter addiction to my children) I focused on ‘live’ work rather than recording.

During that period, I have had the privilege to perform for not only HRH Queen Elizabeth 2, Pope Francis’ visit to Ireland, President Michael D Higgins inaugural state visit to Britain, HRH Prince Charles, but also have a daily life full of baking/playing/cuddles/homework/school-run/library visits etc.
It has been an amazingly challenging yet rewarding period professionally (and of course personally).

One problem though – In this balancing act there was no room for Social Media. So now I’m playing catch-up.
I know the following doesn’t happen over-night. It takes hard work and patience (but I’m hard-working and patient!) so here we go!

As I prepare for this forthcoming release, I am going to publish all of my back-catalogue on both Youtube and Spotify. (like this album – ‘Through The Lens of a Tear’) The back-catalogue project starts This Week.

If you would like to stay updated, follow me here and on Instagram/Facebook/Twitter & YouTube to keep in the loop as I upload new videos. (all links on the homepage of this website)

AND of course SHARE posts and music to help me to spread the word!

I appreciate the support!
Thank you x
In gratitude x Eimear